Furnace brazing is the process by which metal components are joined using a dissimilar lower melting filler metal. Ceramic to metal assemblies can be joined using a metallized ceramics. Go to metallized ceramics page to review the process.
Furnace brazing is accomplished using a variety of techniques. They include different furnace designs, which include batch as well as continuous furnaces.
Furnace types used for brazing, include:
Controlled atmosphere
Continuous/mesh belt
Reducing inert atmosphere
This process is used to manufacture assemblies with one joint or multiple joints using a dissimilar lower melting filler metal. Furnace brazing offers the flexibility to join a wide range of metals such as nickel based alloys, stainless steels, carbon and alloy steels. Other non-ferrous materials can also be brazed including aluminum, titanium and copper.The materials being joined dictate the type of atmosphere in which the assembly is heated to join its components. In addition to vacuum, protective or reactive atmospheres include hydrogen, nitrogen, a blend of hydrogen and other inert gases, exothermic and endothermic gas, as well as argon, and helium.
Hi TecMetal Group located in Cleveland OH is our trusted metals brazing partner.
Sigma Advanced Materials located outside Buffalo NY is our trusted ceramics brazing partner.
Contact us at engineering@pacificadvanced.com or (916) 947-2865 for an introduction to the engineering specialists at Hi TecMetal Group and Sigma Advanced Materials.
Sigma Adadvanced Materials & Hi TecMetal Group Capabilities:
Brazed Metal & Ceramic to Metal Assembly Capabilities
Metal to Metal Step Brazing (360°C to 1100 °C) Programmable Continuous Furnaces
Ceramic to Metal Automated Brazing Operations Programmable Batch Furnaces
Ceramic to Ceramic
Brazing Alloys: Materials:
Copper, Silver, Cusil Ceramic: Metal:
Nickel. Nioro, Gold-bearing Alloys Alumina, Sapphire, Zirconia, ZTA Stainless Steel, Copper, Molybdenum
Cusil ABA, Gold -Ti ABA BeO, AlN, SiC, Si3N4 Kovar, Invar, Inconel, Hastelloy
Alloy Variations of All Above Copper Tungsten, Niobium, Titanium Alloys